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2016 TU Partnership Calendar

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At TU we've partnered with ver.di – the union at Deutsche Telekom (T-Mobile’s parent company) – to help build international solidarity for workers’ rights at T-Mobile. The contrast between Deutsche Telekom’s behaviors in Germany versus abroad is striking. To highlight this, we’ve produced a calendar in partnership with the workers in Germany showing the difference in working conditions and treatment of employees.

This project was a powerful way to help build our partnership with ver.di. Working together across continents to put together information about our experiences has helped both TU and ver.di learn more about each other and strengthen connections to each other.

Workplace relations need to change in the U.S. The pages of this calendar show how Deutsche Telekom can do better and at T-Mobile, We Expect Better!

Together, we can make these changes when we unite and stand together in TU.

PDF icontupartnershipcalendar2016.pdf.