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Nokia and SAC Wireless

November 11, 2019

Brothers and Sisters,

Nokia recently announced that SAC Wireless is a Nokia company.  And since this announcement many of our managers (first level job supervisors, project managers, etc., etc.) have been moved over to SAC Wireless.  As a result of this bargained for employees (our union members) may receive a job assignment from a SAC Wireless Manager.  If this should happen we cannot refuse the job assignment, nor are we to argue with the SAC Wireless Manager, we simply do our assigned job.  When and if any of our members should be assigned work for a SAC Wireless Manager by either email or by phone they should document it.

I will also ask our union members to please foward any emails and/or any written documentation of job assignments from SAC Wireless Managers to their Area Vice President and myself.

In Unity,

R.K. Ferdinandsen


CWA Local 7590