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Bringing the T-Mobile Fight to Germany

CWA President Chris Shelton traveled to Germany this week to meet with members of the German parliament and speak to Deutsche Telekom's Group Works Council about the efforts of T-Mobile US workers to join together to fight for better working conditions and a fair return on their work.

Deutsche Telekom (DT) is T-Mobile's parent company and the German government is a major shareholder in DT. While DT respects the freedom of working people in Germany to join together in a union, T-Mobile US has illegally interfered with efforts by workers in the United States to organize.

Members of the German labor union ver.di have built a strong partnership with T-Mobile US workers who are fighting for a union voice and have joined CWA in calling on T-Mobile to respect the rights of U.S. workers.

Photo Caption: CWA President Chris Shelton traveled to Germany to win support for T-Mobile US workers to join together to fight for better working conditions and a fair return on their work. From left: Ado Wilhelm, ver.di; CWA President Chris Shelton; Dr. Matthias Bartke, Chairman of the Committee on Social and Labor Issues of the German Parliament; CWA Chief of Staff Jody Calemine.